Post by maine on Jul 2, 2015 14:13:04 GMT
To me it looks like;
- The game is designed to be as pick up and play as possible. - Designed for all ages, all audiences this game is about inclusion not seclusion. - The balancing is designed to be as social as possible, if you're constantly playing an opponet who's min/maxing his army, not making a balanced and fair play experience by tipping the scales purposely in their favour who generally not playing in the spirit of the game you can just walk away. Alternatively you don't play with them again. - Looks like GW have built a brand new game, a brand new -brand- that wants to encourage community in stores.
Post by Chris on Jul 2, 2015 14:34:51 GMT
I feel it is just a brand new game within the Warhammer brand.
Post by Chris on Jul 6, 2015 1:16:52 GMT
Post by Chris on Jul 7, 2015 2:21:54 GMT
Interesting article on Bell of Lost Souls concerning the future of Age of Sigmar, from an the words of a GW rep at the Forge World Open Day this weekend whose sole job was to answer AoS questions, apparently there will be a tournament balancing system but there will never be points, there will be Army Books but the information important to the game will also be available for free, the new races will look different to the Fantasy equivalents, i.e. Ooruks will look different to Orcas, you can still use them alongside one another but they will no longer be in production once their AoS replacements become available. The silly rules are confined to the 'Legacy' army lists that are currently available, none of the new armies will have rules like them. Full article here - www.belloflostsouls.net/2015/07/age-of-sigmar-gw-turns-a-new-leaf.html
Post by crandall87 on Jul 7, 2015 8:13:26 GMT
I'm more hopeful after seeing that BOLS article. If the silly rules phase out and there's a balance it then I'll be very happy. The only downside here is that they are phasing out some of the existing product line.